Asian Fisheries Society

Population Dynamics of Jatka (Juvenile Hilsa) in the Meghna River, Bangladesh


Population parameters of the jatka (juvenile hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha) were estimated using FISAT software with length-frequency data collected from the Meghna River (Shatnol to Hajimara), Bangladesh. The predicted extreme length was 19.34 cm (95% probability of occurrence). Based on the von Bertalanffy growth equation, the ultimate (asymptotic) length of the jatka was estimated as 18.60 cm while the predicted best growth coefficient (K) was 8.80·year. The annual rate of natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) were found to be 8.39 and 14.13, respectively. The estimated value for the exploitation rate (E) was 0.63. The length-weight relationship of jatka was found to be W = 0.00736 TL.3.092 The present investigation indicated overfishing (E > 0.50) of jatka in the Meghna River. 

Publication Date : 2000-12-01

Volume : 13

Issue : 4

Page : 383-389

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Date 2000/12/01
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