Asian Fisheries Society

Growth Characteristics and Critical Age of Coilia ectenes taihuensis


Coilia ectenes taihuensis (Yuan et. Al. 1986) is the dominant fish species in Taihu Lake, China. The length-weight relationship was expressed as:

W = 6.430•10-6•L2.8603 (r=0.9980)
The von Bertalanffy growth formulae of the fish were determined to be:

Lt = 349.3384 [1-exp(-0.354 {t-0.0319})]
Wt = 121.0399 [1-exp(-0.354 {t-0.0319})]3

The growth rate in body length decreased gradually with increasing age. The acceleration of growth rate was positive from age 1 to 3.0 eyars, but thereafter was negative. Studies of the critical age of the population show that the population biomass of Coilia extenes taihuensis (Yuan et. al. 1986) is largest at age 3.2. This paper indicates that the growth turning point age of the body and the critical age og the population are important parameters in the study of fishery resources assessment.

Publication Date : 1992-04-01

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Page : 83-87

Full text PDF
Date 1992/04/01
Abstract Hits 2683
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