Asian Fisheries Society

Experimental Culture and Particle Filtration by Asian Moon Scallops, Amusium pleuronectes


Growth rates were determined for scallops (35-75 mm value height) held in pocket nets and lantern nets at varying densities. The Fodl-Walford linear transformation of the von Bertalanffy growth equation was used to allow quantification of food-limited stunting. Pocket nets allowed for greater growth of scallops than did the lantern nets at all stocking densities. The growth rates of scallops in pocket nets, nevertheless, were well below the growth of scallops in the wild. Clearance rates of Caribbean strains of Isochrysis galbana (C-Iso) and Chaetocerous gracilus (C-Cg) were determined for moon scallops. Amusin pleuronectes, in static chambers at 28ºC. The scallops have a great capacity to filter both species of phytoplankton. Clearance rates ranged from 2.84 to 12.13 l•(g•h)-1 dry weight (4.7 x 106 to 9.8 x 106 cells•min-1 or 1.3 x 108 cells•[g•h]-1) in pre-conditioned 70-mm animals. The threshold cell concentration for the beginning of pseudofeces production is 9 m per swim), may limit this species to low density bottom pen culture methods.

Publication Date : 1994-10-01

Volume : 7

Issue : 2 & 3

Page : 179-185

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Date 1994/10/01
Abstract Hits 2914
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