Asian Fisheries Society

Correct Diagnostics: Prerequisite for Prudent and Responsible Antimicrobial Administration


Since bacterial diseases have an adverse impact on the profitability of aquaculture, causing direct and indirect losses, this review paper is assessing the importance of accurate diagnostics in prudent and responsible administration of antimicrobials. Diagnostics and treatment of bacterial diseases in aquaculture are inevitable factors in their responsible management and consequently contribute to the reduction of antimicrobial use (AMU) and prevention of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) development. To mitigate and prevent the losses, fast and accurate recognition and detection of bacterial pathogens are the main prerequisites. Monitoring programmes in all stages of production, from broodstock to fattening units, are needed to avoid long diagnostic processes and enable fast commencement of diagnostic procedures and responsible AMU. Moreover, preventive measures to reduce the risk of bacterial infection includes good aquaculture practices (GAP) and biosecurity measures, in the absence of specific immunoprophylaxis, or vaccination, against endemic bacterial diseases. Antimicrobial use may be considered as therapeutic, metaphylaxis, prophylaxis, and growth promotion. Antimicrobials are most often administered through bioenrichment of fish larvae or shrimp post larvae and medicated feed. The efficacy of the treatment via medicated feed depends on the rapid diagnosis and commencement of treatment, selection of appropriate antimicrobials, proper dosage, and duration of treatment. To prevent possible mistakes in AMU, it is necessary to avoid prophylactic use of antimicrobials, medication of viral infections, and repeated use of the same medicines.

Publication Date : 2020-12-25

Volume : 33

Issue : Special Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance in Aquaculture

Page : 27-32

Full text PDF
Date 2020/12/25
Abstract Hits 700
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