Special Announcement: International Conference on Advances in Fish Health 2017 (ICFISH)
24 Nov, 2016
Dear AFS Members,
We are pleased to announce that Universiti Putra Malaysia in collaboration with Department of Fisheries Malaysia, Malaysian Fisheries Society and Asian Fisheries Society will be organizing a conference entitled International Conference on Advances in Fish Health 2017 (ICFISH)
The details of the conference are as below:
Date: 4 - 6th April 2017
Time: 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Venue: Auditorium TNCPI, Universiti Putra Malaysia
The conference will comprise three days of scientific sessions inclusive of keynote, plenary, oral and poster presentations.
Invited keynote and plenary speakers include:
- Prof. Dr. Alexandra (Sandra) Adams (University of Stirling, UK)
- Dr. Melba B. Reantaso (FAO, Italy)
- Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohamed Shariff Mohamed Din (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
- Professor Dr. K. Pani Prasad (Central Institute of Fisheries Education, India)
- Dr. Celia Lavilla-Pitogo (iAqua Sdn.Bhd, Blue Archipelago, Malaysia)
- Dr. Hj. Mazuki Hashim (Department of Fisheries, Malaysia)
We are calling for your abstracts now! Attached herewith is the second announcement of the seminar for your reference.
- All registrations must be done online. Visit us at http://www.icfish.my
- AFS members will get a discounted registration fee rate of USD230 compared to normal rate of USD300.
- A special discount is offered to participants that register before 31th January 2017.
Do visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/icfish.my
Please like our page for regular updates
We would like to apologize for any multiple postings you may receive. We would be grateful if you could disseminate this announcement to your contacts who might be interested to attend. Your participation and cooperation are very much awaited and appreciated.