Prof. Dr.Liping LIU
Director, Department of Aquaculture Technology& Engineering
College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University
No.999 Hucheng Huan Road, Lingang City, Shanghai,
Dr. Liping LIU is professor at College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, China, with about 20 years of experience on aquaculture. He has been an active researcher on international cooperation with over 20 partner institutes and NGOs in Asia, EU, USA and Africa. Dr. Liu was a member of Executive Advisory Council of APC World Aquaculture Society, and associate editor of Frontiers in Marine Science. He also acts as member of external Program Advisory Council for the AquaFish Innovation Lab funded by USAID. His major research interests are interaction of aquaculture and environment, and fish reproduction physiology. He has published over 70 articles and worked in aquaculture education for over 10 years. He has recently coordinated research projects between the Shanghai Ocean University and a range of partners in UK, South and Southeast Asia, with both EU FP7 and NSFC funding. Currently, he is PI for the project “China-ASEAN Joint Center for Research and Promotion of Marine Aquaculture Technology” which is funded by the China-ASEAN Marinetime Silk Road Fund on behalf of Shanghai Ocean University.
Immediate Past-President
Professor of Marine Ecology and Conservation
Environmental and Conservation Sciences Murdoch University,
South St. Murdoch 6150, Western AUSTRALIA.
Professor Emeritus Neil Loneragan is a Professor of Marine Ecology and Conservation at Murdoch University, Western Australia and prior to this was the Inaugural Chair of Fisheries Science, Leader of the Environmental and Conservation Sciences at Murdoch University and Chaired the board of the Asia Research Centre at Murdoch. He has research interests in fish and invertebrate ecology, estuarine and marine food webs, stock enhancement and small-scale fisheries and supervises graduate research students in these areas. Before joining Murdoch, he spent 14 years with CSIRO, based in Brisbane working on prawn fisheries and habitats in northern Australia and through Southeast Asia. He is an adjunct Professor at IPB University in Bogor Indonesia, where together with Dr Adrian Hordyk and Indonesian collaborators, particularly Dr Budy Wiryawan, ran workshops on Fisheries Science and Management Strategy Evaluation for Data-limited Fisheries ( He has been a member of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) since 2004 and on the AFS Council from 2011 to 2016 and from 2019 onwards. He organized a major international conference (ISSESR4) in collaboration with AFS as part of the 4th Asian Fisheries Forum in Shanghai in 2011. He is the nominated incoming President of AFS for the 14th AFS Council from 2022 to 2025..
Vice President
Prof. Budy Wiryawan
Department of Fishery Resources Utilization
Bogor Agricultural University,
Budy Wiryawan is a Senior Lecturer at Bogor Agricultural University. He was a head of Department for Marine Fisheries in the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences from 2009-2017. He has been certified as EIA Compiler and Coastal Management Expert by Indonesia Coastal Management Expert Association/HAPPI). Before, he experienced for numbers of large scale of fisheries, coastal management and marine conservation programs, including the ADB funded COREMAP Phase II Project (2005-2007) as Marine Management Area and Environmental Specialist. He appointed as Marine Program Manager for The Nature Conservancy in East Kalimantan (2003-2004), and USAID funded Coastal Resource Management Project in in East Kalimantan (2004-2005) as Technical Advisor. Assigned by DHI Water & Environments, he worked as National Coordinator Assessment team for Jakarta Bay Environmental Assessment, and some Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) for spatial planning, Regional Planning funded by Danish Embassy and Ministry of Environment and Forestry during 2010-2018. He appointed also an Evaluator for Impact Evaluation of Marine Resource Projects funded by USAID in and in 2015 he appointed by World Bank as an Evaluator for COREMAP II. His professional experience lies predominantly with coastal resource management, capture fisheries and marine protected area. He is member of a national working group in designing Pelagic Marine Protected Area in Sulawesi Sea (2019-2024). He appointed as a Council Member of Asian Fisheries Society (2022-2026). Research on Information Technology for Tuna Traceability and Tuna and Grouper fisheries management have been conducted and to be continued through International Collaborations, such as an NGO Masyarakat dan Perikanan Indonesia (MDPI), Research Partner and Academic Supervisor for Wageningen University-The Netherland, Adjunct Lecturer of Murdoch University, Perth-Australia, and Rostock University-Germany. He coordinate undergraduate Lecture topic Data Science in Fisheries, (Application IKAN (https:// , currently he just completed Kedaireka Project entitle Crowd Data Crawling for fisheries business ( and is a member of National Blue Food Assessment of Bappenas 2024.
Professor Dr. Murni Marlina Abd Karim
Department of Aquaculture
Faculty of Agriculture
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM, Serdang,
Selangor, MALAYSIA
Murni Marlina Abd Karim is a Professor at the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture and Deputy Director at the International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia. She obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from UPM and a Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island, United States. She is also currently an honorary secretary of the Asian Fisheries Society. Her field of expertise is in fish health, disease management in aquaculture and aquatic biotechnology. Her research interest involves the use of multidisciplinary approaches for the prevention and management of infectious diseases in aquaculture. Particularly, her works emphasizes on determining the patterns of disease infection, investigating host-pathogen interactions, mechanisms of pathogenesis and disease resistance. All this information is used to develop novel strategies for preventing diseases in aquatic organisms. Her research team is actively working on the development of probiotics, bioremediators and antimicrobial compounds, which are specifically designed for use in aquaculture applications. She has published extensively and numerous journal articles and has led and participated in major research projects. She has won awards for her research and teaching innovations, and developed significant industry and international collaborations. A mentor to many students and an active member of academic and professional communities, her work has had a broad impact on aquaculture and aquatic sciences.
Dr. Nur Leena WONG W.S.
Department of Aquaculture
Faculty of Agriculture
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM, Serdang
Selangor, MALAYSIA
Dr. Leena Wong is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and an associate researcher at the International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences (I-AQUAS), UPM. She obtained her Bachelor degree (Environmental Biology) from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and later graduated with a Master degree in Marine Science from the same university. She later pursued her PhD in UPM and received her degree in Marine Ecology and Biodiversity with her research focus in bivalve ecology and aquaculture. Her research area including marine ecology and biodiversity, aquaculture (specifically on mollusc culture), and she has a keen interest in mollusc taxonomy. She has been actively participating in research collaborations with industry partners in larviculture, and was appointed as PI since 2015 for a 5-years coastal monitoring project overseeing the ecological status of benthic invertebrate affected by anthropogenic stresses.
The Council Members
Prof. Wilfredo L. CAMPOS
Faculty of Biological Sciences
University of the Philippines Visayas
Miagao, Iloilo,
Wilfredo L. Campos is a marine biologist with interests in biological oceanography, coastal ecology, fisheries biology, marine protected areas and fisheries management. He holds an MS in Marine Biology from the Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami (1985) and a Doctor of Natural Sciences in Marine Biology from the University of Hamburg (1996). He has authored 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals, conducted over 50 researches in various aspects of marine biology and fisheries and served in committees of over 50 MS and PhD graduates. He is currently a Professor at the Division of Biological Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences of the University of the Philippines Visayas which he joined in 1996, and heads the UPV OceanBio Lab.
Prof. Marieta Bañez Sumagaysay
University of the Philippines Tacloban College
Dr. Marieta Bañez Sumagaysay is Professor 12 in Economics at the University of the Philippines Tacloban College where she graduated magna cum laude with the degree Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (Economics). She was College Dean from 2000 – 2006 and the Director of the Leyte-Samar Heritage Center from 2010-2013. From 2015 to 2022, she was seconded as the Executive Director of the National Research Council of the Philippines, Department of Science and Technology. Dr. Sumagaysay finished degrees in Master of Arts in Economics, in Master of Management in Business Management, and PhD in Social Science Research. Her researches, publications, paper/poster presentations in conferences, and extension work revolve around gender, women and work in coastal fishing and aquaculture; resilience and adaptive capacities; work-from-home; and gendered value chain analysis of various economic sectors. Her advocacies are expanding women’s access to economic resources, and on engendering fishing and aquaculture, tourism, as well as science and technology. She has held various positions in professional organizations: Chair, Asian Fisheries Social Science Research Network (AFSSRN, 2021-2024); Councilor, 12th Council of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS, 2017); founding member of the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section (GAFS); President, National Network on Women in Fisheries in the Philippines (WINFISH, 2014-2016); convenor, WINFISH chapters in Eastern Visayas and in SOCCSKSARGEN; Board Member, Women’s Studies Association of the Philippines (WSAP). She is a certified member of the National Gender Resource Pool of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), an Alumna of the Schloss Leopoldskron Seminars in Austria, and a member of the Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society, Alpha Chapter.
Prof. Indah Susilowati
Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Diponegoro,
Semarang , INDONESIA.
Prof. Dr. Indah Susilowati, M.Sc., Ph. D was born in Semarang, on March 23, 1963. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Development Studies Economics from Diponegoro University (1986). She earned her Masters in Resource Economics from Universiti Putra Malaysia (1991) with her thesis on "Welfare Impact of Improved Boat Modernisation Schemes (IBMS) in Pemalang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia". She completed her Ph.D. in Resource Economics at the same university (1998) with her dissertation on "Economics of Regulatory Compliance in the Fisheries of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines". She earned her professorship in 2005 at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) where she currently serves in the Faculty of Economics and Business. Prof. Dr. Indah Susilowati, M.Sc., Ph. actively writes scientific articles and publishes in various reputable and indexed journals. She is the Chair of the Human Resource Commission in the Academic Senate of Diponegoro University. She is highly committed to research, education, and community service at national and international levels. She is often appointed as a resource person at various universities and government agencies in Indonesia.
Dr. Kuldeep K Lal
Director of ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture,
RA Puram Chennai,
Dr Kuldeep K Lal, is the Director of ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture RA Puram, Chennai, India. Before joining as Director, He worked with Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia Pacific (NACA) at Bangkok, Thailand for two years as Coordinator, Genetics and Biodiversity Program. In his carreer, under Agricultural Research Services, he has worked at various research positions and Head, Fish Conservation Division, at ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, India benefit sharing. He is life member of the Asian Fisheries Society. He is a member of COFI advisory working group on AqGR of FAO, Rome. He is associated with various consultative bodies under Department of Fisheries, National Biodiversity Authority, Deep Sea Mission and others, under Government of India related to fish genetic resources, agrobiodiversity and access . His research interest include conservation genetics and aquatic genetic resource management. During 30 years of research career, he has extensively worked on exploration of fish genetic resources, genetic stock identification of wild relatives of aquaculture species and long-term sperm- cryopreservation protocol development and work strategy for commercial level use of the cryopreservation technology in quality carp seed production. He is working to establish model of conservation of indigenous germplasm and harmonizing with livelihood for native coastal and island communities. He has published 146 research papers in peer-reviewed impact journals and guided six PhD students. He has discovered and published 13 fish/shellfish species, new to science or new distribution records, from India.
Dr. Joykrushna JENA
Deputy Director General (Fisheries Science)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Fisheries Science Division
Room No.309,Krishi anusandhan Bhavan-11, New Delhi-110012,
Dr J.K. Jena, with 33 years of research experience in different fields of freshwater aquaculture and conservation genetics, has been holding the position of Deputy Director General (Fisheries Science) at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), India since January 2016. During this period, he was also given the additional responsibility of providing leadership to 19 animal science institutes as Deputy Director General (Animal Science), ICAR for over three and half years. Before this, he served as the Director of the ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR), Lucknow, India for over 5 years. Working in different aspects of freshwater aquaculture at the ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Bhubaneswar, India during his initial career in different capacities, viz., National Fellow and Head of the Division, Dr. Jena has contributed to the development of several technologies and research findings, including aquaculture diversification; intensive carp culture; treatment of domestic sewage through aquaculture; cryopreservation, conservation genetics and applied nutrition. As National Coordinator, he has been operating the National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD) in India with the involvement of 30 partner organizations for last 10 years. He is also instrumental in the execution of the Indian Network on Fisheries and Animal Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR), initiated by ICAR with the involvement of 31 Animal Science and Fisheries Research institutes. Dr. Jena has published 220 research papers in national and international journals of repute, besides several books, book chapters and other publications. He has been conferred with several awards and recognition, including Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award of ICAR; and ICAR Award for Team Research. He was also holding several important positions in the past, including President of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS), Kuala Lumpur, the first Indian to have this honour; and Secretary, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), India. At present, Dr Jena also is the Chair of the Governing Council of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), Bangkok, Thailand; and Chairman of the Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch.
Prof. Han-Jia Lin
Distinguished Professor
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology
20224 Beining Road, Keelung,
Dr. Han-Jia Lin is a Distinguished Professor at National Taiwan Ocean University. President of Asian Fishery Society Taiwan Branch since 2019. Dr. Lin received his bachelor's degree in agriculture from Taiwan University in 1994, majoring in agricultural chemistry. In 1996 and 2001, he obtained a master's degree and a Ph.D degree from the Institute of Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan University, respectively. Afterwards, he also worked in the Institute of Biological Chemistry of Academia Sinica and Osaka University in Japan as a postdoctoral fellow. Since 2006, he established his marine biotechnology laboratory in Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, National Taiwan Ocean University, where he had also served as head of the department. Professor Han-Jia Lin's researches focus on solving the problems in aquaculture by using cross-disciplinary technologies, including molecular biology, biochemistry and nanotechnology. Many works related to basic physiology and applications have been studied in aquacultural species, such as diatoms, marine ciliates, fishes and shrimps. Recently, researches on therapeutic carbon nanomaterials have been considered as highly potential antibiotic alternatives to solve the antibiotic abuse problem in aquaculture. Many advanced research works have been published in high ranking journals and actually applied in the industry. Therefore, Dr. Lin has been awarded many important invention awards, including 2021 Taipei Biotech Award and 2020 Futex award.
Prof. Yu Hung LIN
Department of Aquaculture
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Dr. Lin is the Distinguished Professor in Fish Nutrition at Department of Aquaculture, and the Director of International Program in Ornamental Fish Technology and Aquatic Animal Health, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Department of Food Science at National Taiwan Ocean University and spent 6 years in postdoctoral research at the same university. His current research interests include: biological basis of nutrient requirements, nutrition and health, alternative protein and lipid sources, and functional feed additives in fish and shrimp. He published 68 refereed papers, 8 book chapters, and 13 technical reports. In addition, he has assisted the preparation of the NRC (2011) – Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp. He was also selected as the World’s Top 2% Scientists for 2019-2022 announced by the Stanford University team.
Prof. Nguyen Phu Hoa
Nong Lam University
Ho Chi Minh City,
I have been working for Nong Lam University - Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam as a senior lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Fisheries. I have been working as PI of more than 25 projects funded from international, national, provincial sources. I have authored and co-authored more than 50 papers in Vietnamese and international journals. I am an author and co-author of a textbook and reference books. I am also an author and co-author of several patents approved by the Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam. I attended and had oral presentations and panel members at many international conferences such as Aquaculture, World Fisheries, World Aquaculture, International Fisheries Society, ect. I was an AFS Councillor on the 13th Council (2013-16) and have been in discussions with AFS to hold the 8th Cage Asian Aquaculture symposium (CAA8) in Vietnam in 2026.
Prof. XuXiong Huang
Shanghai Ocean University,
Prof. XuXiong Huang is the Executive Deputy Dean of the College of Fisheries and Life Sciences, at Shanghai Ocean University, China. He has 31 years of experience in aquaculture research and teaching and received his Ph.D from Shanghai Ocean University China in 2005. His professional area is nutrition and feed on aquatic animals, focusing on: 1) Live feed and larvae nutrition requirement, especially i) highly efficient production and nutrition regulation of microalgae, ii) application of plankton in larviculture, iii) nutrition enrichment of live feed and application in larviculture; 2) Nutrition and immunity of crustacean, especially the effects of dietary nutrients on immune activity, stress resistance, and immune-related genes expressions of shrimp; 3) the nutrient requirement on finfish. During the past years, Dr. Huang carried out 31 projects and published over 150 papers, 14 patents, and 11 books. Now He also acts as the Director of the Live Feeds Professional Committee, Chinese Society of Fisheries, the Council Member of the Chinese Society of Fisheries, and the Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Shanghai Ocean University. He was selected for the Shanghai Eastern Talents Program (2023), Awarded the "Special Prize of Shanghai Municipal Teaching Achievement" ( 2021), "Second Prize of Shanghai Municipal Technology Invention Award" (2016), the "Yucai Award" by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (2016) and recognized as a "Double Innovation Talent" by Jiangsu Province, China.(2015).