Asian Fisheries Society

Postponement of the 11th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA11)
03 Sep, 2020

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and following extensive deliberations between the DAA11 Organizing Committee members including the Government of Malaysia; it is confirmed that the face-to-face symposium of the 11th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA11) will not take place as scheduled on 29 September until 2 October 2020.

After considering the concerns related to the health and safety of participants, sanitary measures and border controls that have been or could be put in place by the Host Countries and other governments, and restrictions caused to air travel; the DAA11 Organizing Committee could not envisage face-to-face symposium in September/October 2020. The Committee further considered other options and were of the view that online symposium would not be desirable given issues related to connectivity, equitability, timing of the concurrent sessions, workload impacts due to “stay at home” orders in various countries, agendas, technology and other issues related to holding the symposium in this way. Other scenarios involving short-term postponement of the symposium were also considered by the Committee, but the general view was that there were uncertainties about the ability of members to travel in the next months. The Government of Malaysia and DAA11 Organizing Committee, therefore, agreed to postpone the 11th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture until 2021. On behalf of the Committee, we apologize for any inconveniences caused by this and rest assured that we will ensure smooth transition.

We are pleased to informed that we have been able to reschedule DAA11 to 23 – 26 August 2021 in Kuching, Sarawak. All papers, panels, posters, roundtables that have been accepted to DAA11 2020 will be automatically accepted to DAA11 2021. Keynote speakers, sponsors and exhibitors will be communicated individually to discuss your future involvement.

We will stay in touch with you and keep you informed of the latest developments.Please check the website regularly. If you have any enquiries about the postponement, please contact DAA11 secretariat at .

We would like to thank each of you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate this historic public health crisis. On behalf of the Committee, we hope that you and yours remain safe and healthy in this trying time.

Looking forward to see you in Kuching, Sarawak in 2021!

With deep appreciation,
DAA11 Secretariat
On behalf of the DAA11 Organizing Committee and the Government of Malaysia