Asian Fisheries Society

International Symposium of Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching, ISSESR7, Puerto Varas, Chile
11 Jun, 2024

The submission deadline for abstract submission to the 7th International Symposium of Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching, ISSESR7 is June 30, 2024. ISSESR7 will be held in Puerto Varas, Chile, on 5-8 November, 2024.

We invite you to visit our website for detailed information on the Symposium Overview and previous editions of ISSESR7. Information on Important Dates and Registration Fees is also available.


To register to ISSESR7 please create your account on the ISSESR7 platform. Please complete your personal information including your “Attendee Type” (this will determine the amount of your registration fee)

Submission of Abstracts

Once you have completed your personal information, you can submit your abstract(s) through the "Abstracts" Module. Please do not forget to select the "Presentation Type" for your abstract(s). The options you will find are:

(i) Oral Presentation and (ii) Poster. Keynote Lectures are to be submitted by invitation only.

It is not mandatory to pay your registration fee to submit an abstract. However, the registration fee should be paid by October 5, 2024, to include your presentation in the Scientific Program of ISSESR7. There is no limit on the number of abstracts to be submitted by the same author.

ISSESR7 is part of the activities to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP), the Chilean institution that since 1964 is working for the sustainable and ecosystemic use of the country’s aquatic resources, significantly stimulating aquaculture and sustainable fishing in Chile, as well as contributing to the generation and transfer of fundamental knowledge for environmental decision-making in the era of climate change.

The venue of ISSESR7 is Hotel Cabaña del Lago, Puerto Varas, Chile, where special rates have been confirmed for ISSESR7's participants.

First time in Chile? Please see our General Information and feel free to contact us if you require more details.

Sponsoring Opportunities

Your company or institution can be a part of the scientific event as a Sponsor. We invite you to contact us to discuss the options that best suit your expectations.

Contact us at: and/or

Information on the Field Trip to Chiloé (November 8, 2024) will be available soon.

We look forward to your contributions and to meeting you in Puerto Varas, Chile, in November 2024.


Symposium Information