Gender-responsive monitoring for NbCS aquaculture projects in SEA
15 Dec, 2023
The Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section (GAFS) has been awarded a 46-month project titled "Making nature-based climate solutions (NbCS) in aquaculture in Southeast Asia monitoring more gender-responsive: What gets measured gets done" (GeNA project) by IDRC Canada's AQUADAPT-SEAPAC. The project will be administered from Asian Institute of Technology in partnership with the Cambodian Institute for Research and Rural Development (CIRD), and The University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) and managed and implemented by GAFS ExCom and other members.
In this project, GAFS aims to develop a gender monitoring schema and test the processes by which women and men participate in NbCS aquaculture that help achieve transitions to greater sustainability under climate change. Based on existing gender monitoring frameworks, the project will develop a reflexive and context specific gender monitoring framework for nature-based climate solutions in aquaculture. It will be piloted at three sites: Philippines (on seaweed culture), Thailand and Cambodia (on rice-fish culture).
Philippine women seaweed farmers inspect their lines early in the morning. Source: Alice J Ferrer
Rice-fish farming in Thailand. Source: Malasri Khumsri
Rice fish farming in Cambodia. Source: Prak Sereyvath