GAFS membership message to all AFS members
02 Mar, 2017
Dear AFS Colleague,
You are cordially invited to join the new Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society and become part of a community of people committed to equitable and effective cooperation in research and practice on gender in aquaculture and fisheries issues. We are proud to launch the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section (GAFS) of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS). This is the first formal gender section ever to be created in a professional fisheries or aquaculture society and is the culmination of over 20 years of developments within AFS in addressing women and gender in fisheries and aquaculture. The fundamentals of GAFS have been developed by two teams of volunteers from among the attendees at GAF5 and GAF6 who we gratefully acknowledge.
The objectives of GAFS are to promote equitable and effective cooperation among scientists/academics, technicians, fisheries officers and non-governmental organization experts involved in issues related to gender in fisheries and aquaculture so as to advance research and practice in Asia-Pacific and other regions of the world. For more detail see the full objectives and mechanisms.
Wherever you come from, we welcome your membership in GAFS. If you join before the end of 2017, you can become a Founding Member of the AFS Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section (GAFS). Here is how to join.
As existing AFS member, if you are in good standing, then to become a GAFS member, simply send a short message indicating you wish to join GAFS to the AFS Executive Officer – Your AFS membership details will be amended to include membership of GAFS.
What you will get from becoming a member of GAFS:
- Opportunity to take a leadership role by nominating for the GAFS Executive Committee
- Voting rights in electing GAFS
- Chance to contribute to and receive periodic the GAFS Newsletter, AFS Newsletter, special interest news and information on gender in aquaculture and fisheries, including through social media
- Access to a strong, participatory community of like-minded people committed to the objectives of GAFS and AFS, including senior experts and mentors
- Ability to advance research and practice in gender and women’s issues in aquaculture and fisheries
- Access to with other like-minded organisations regionally and globally
Looking forward to your participation!
Meryl Williams
on behalf of the GAF working groups