Asian Fisheries Society

First Anniversary of Dr M.C. Nandeesha
02 Jan, 2014

So though Nandeesh is not with us physically, his thoughts and deeds are there to guide us through these difficult times” 
Rajeswari Dayal B. (his loving wife) .

This marks the first anniversary of the passing of our dear friend Dr Mudnakudu C. Nandeesha, who was the person who brought gender awareness to the Asian Fisheries Society and helped bring aquaculture to the poor through Aquaculture without Frontiers, the World Aquaculture Society and many institutes and people in India. He was a great champion of students, and especially women students.

At the 4th Global Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF4) held in May in Yeosu, Korea, a special session was devoted to honoring Dr Nandeesha: Status and Contributions of Women to Aquaculture and Fisheries: A Session in Honor of DR M.C. NANDEESHA. The session was sponsored by the AquaFish-CRSP program. The opening address by M.J. Williams was ”Dr M.C. Nandeesha: The Man Who Brought Gender Awareness To The Asian Fisheries Society” (view presentation by clicking here). The address emphasised that Dr Nandeesha was a visionary, absolutely committed to social justice, and with an intuitive understanding of how to motivate others to act and bring about institutional.

PROF. DR. MOHAN JOSEPH MODAYIL Ph.D., D.Sc., (formerly Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (A.S.R.B.), India), has provided the following heartfelt tribute to Dr Nandeesha.

To view tributes from one year ago, please visit:

  1. tributes: click here 
  2. WAS Tributes: click here