Asian Fisheries Society

FAO workshop
25 Jan, 2023

Our President, Neil Loneragan, is fortunate to be going to Bangkok Thailand next week to participate in an FAO regional workshop on Asian fish stocks and their assessment (January 23 to 25, followed by an FAO workshop on global assessments).

He has chaired a Scientific Advisory Group to develop the plan for the workshop with Simon Funge-Smith and Rishi Sharma of FAO. The SAG had two other people from the Council of the Asian Fisheries Society - Prof. Budy Wiryawan and Prof. Wily Campos, and also Dr Derek Staples (Fisheries Consultant) and Dr Zuozhi Chen (South China Sea Fisheries Institute).

We have overview presentations on fisheries from 10 countries and poster presentations on fisheries at a more localised scale. We are looking forward to the workshop (see attached prospectus for the current workshop program).
