Asian Fisheries Society

Extension of Early bird registration and Abstract submission deadline for 13th AFAF.
11 Feb, 2022

Dear AFS Members,

Greetings from the 13th AFAF organizing team!!

Due to many requests from participants, we are therefore extending our Early bird registration and Abstract submission deadline for 13th AFAF.

Please note that we have some changes to some of the important dates. The new deadline dates are as follows:

Important dates for 13th AFAF Registration and Abstract Submission:

  • Early bird registrations: September 8, 2021 ~ April 15, 2022 
  • Deadline for registering for oral and poster presentations: March 10, 2022 
  • Deadline for registering for general participants: May 10, 2022
  • Deadline for abstract submissions: March 10, 2022 
  • Abstract acceptance notification: April 1, 2022
  • Deadline for oral presentation video [MP4 format] submission: April 30, 2022
  • Deadline for e-Poster [JPG and PDF File] submission: April 30, 2022

We are glad to announce a great opportunity for your esteemed organization to become our partner in hosting the 13th AFAF.
If you are registering more than 10 participants from same company/ university / institute, then you can become a partner of 13th AFAF and your company/ university / institute logo will be included in the Forum and e-Abstract book.

In addition, all council members are the key representatives in your countries to come forward for promoting the 13th AFAF for scientific development in aquaculture and fisheries and also encourage participation from your universities or institutes.

Please join us to make 13th AFAF a success!!!

For more details and updates, please visit our website You also can download the 13th AFAF posters from our website for the promotion.

Looking forward to meeting you all in 13th AFAF.

13AFAF Early bird