26 Nov, 2012
The Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) – Kanazawa Research Fellowship
The AFS is offering awards up to US$5,000 (research fund) to successful applicants to support their doctoral degree research and US$1,500 as airfare/accommodation support to attend the 10thAsian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (10AFAF) to present a paper as well a progress report to the Fund’s Committee of the ongoing research study.
Eligibility for the Grant:
1.Any student who is undertaking research for his/her doctoral degree in any aspect of fisheries and aquaculture is eligible to apply for the grant;
2.The applicant should be from one of the countries in Asia;
3.The applicant should not be over the age of 35 yrs as on 29 April 2013; and
4.The applicant should have been registered with one of the Universities in Asia and undertaking research in any aspect of fisheries and aquaculture;
Application procedures:
1.Applications are to be submitted in the prescribed format (see attachment);
2.Applications should be accompanied with a brief statement of his/her research project not exceeding 3 pages (including objectives, issues to be addressed and expected outcomes) and two references/recommendation letters from his/her supervisor(s);
3.The application should be accompanied by a letter from his/her Research Supervisor indicating that the Supervisor will supervise the research work and monitor the fund use;
4.The application with attachments should be sent to the Executive Officer, Asian Fisheries Society at c/o Lab. Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA,; and
5.The last date for submission of applications is January 31st 2013. Applications reaching AFS after this date will not be considered.
Conditions for approval of grant:
1.Before the grant is released, the successful candidate should submit a letter from the University authorities indicating that the University is willing to monitor the use of grant and will not charge any overheads;
2.The fund will be transferred to the University where the candidate is registered for his/her degree;
3.The grant can be utilized for purchase of small equipment or for supplies related to the research;
4.The grant should be utilized within 2 years from the date of release of funds;
5.At the end of project period, the applicant should provide AFS with detailed statement of expenditure of the grant certified by the University authorities and 3-5 page summary of research achievement(s);
6.The applicant should be willing to acknowledge in his/her dissertation/publication the research grant received from AFS/Kanazawa endowment;
7.The awardee should be willing to publish at least one paper from the thesis in AFS journal; and
8.The awardee should provide a copy of his/her thesis for AFS library.
Action to be taken by AFS:
1.AFS will announce the availability of the grant through its website and also 10AFAF website ( by end of November 2012.
2.AFS will constitute a Committee of 3 standing Councilors to judge the applications received and recommend to the Executive Committee the best submission;
3.A final decision on the selection of applicants will be taken by AFS before 28 February 2013, and informed to the candidate for his/her agreement to the conditions associated with the grant; and
4.Award of the grant will be announced at the 10AFAF
1.Name of the applicant
2.Age of the applicant
3.Address including email, telephone and mobile nos.
4.Institution with which he/she is registered
5.Title of the research project
6.A brief summary of the proposed research (objectives, research questions to be addressed, expected outcomes, etc.)
7.Details of Supervisors/Guide for the research
8.Time frame of the project
9.Place where the research will be undertaken
10.Details of other sources from which funding has been received for this research
11.A statement saying “I agree to abide by the rules of AFS in utilizing the grant funds for research”
12.Signature and date
13.Signature of Research Supervisor/Guide
Conditions for the Award:
1.The applicant for the award should be from an Asian country and should be below the age of 35 years;
2.If the paper is authored by more than one, all the authors should be from Asian countries;
3.The applicant should have been registered for the 10AFAF and submitted the full paper for presentation by 20 December 2012;
4.The results presented in the paper should not have been published elsewhere; and
5.The work presented should have been done within the last 5 years (between 2009 and 2013).
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Kanazawa Research Grant (Letter of Recommendation) |
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Kanazawa Research Grant (Application Form) |
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Kanazawa Research Grant (Research Proposal) |