Asian Fisheries Society

Asian Fish stocks and their assessment.
22 Dec, 2023

In January 2023, the FAO Regional office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO RAP) convened a workshop on Asian fish stocks and their assessment in Bangkok, Thailand with ~40 people from 10 countries participating in the room and 50 on-line. I coordinated the scientific expert panel for the workshop with Simon Funge-Smith from FAO RAP. Very excited that the report from this workshop is now available. It provides a valuable resource for summarising the status of stocks, current assessment methods, data systems and governance that are in place in the region, as well as identifying capacity-building and training to enhance stock assessments and their communication to different groups of people e.g., policy makers, managers, fishers, fishing communities and government.

The report is:
FAO. 2023. The status of marine fishery stock assessments in the Asian region and the potential for a network of practitioners. Bangkok. ISBN 978-92-5-138437-4.
23-25 January 2023, Bangkok, Thailand

The status of marine fishery stock assessments in the Asian region and the potential for a network of practitioners.