Announcing the launch of our new website for 13th AFAF!!!
02 Sep, 2021
We are pleased to officially announce the launch of our newly designed 13th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum website ( ) in September 2021. The 13th AFAF is a scientific forum organized by the Asian Fisheries Society in partnership with National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan which is planned to be held between May 31, to June 2, 2022.
The aim of this conference is to bring together the aquaculture and fisheries science community from across the world to discuss and share experience on future trends and developments towards sustainable fisheries and smart aquaculture. Due to the current pandemic, travel restrictions and health concerns this would be our first virtual forum. 13th AFAF will be hosted using video conferencing platforms and The research presentations will be hosted via video conferencing platforms while the exhibitions and poster presentations will be in Gather. town. We are delighted to deliver our forum and provide different modes of presentation: live presentation, recorded video presentation and e- posters. The forum comprises of interesting scientific sessions, plenary and invited lectures along with research presentations from participants, e-poster and oral presentation competitions. For all participants, the abstract submissions and the forum registration will begin on September 1 and 8, 2021, respectively. The abstract submission deadline will be on January 15, 2022 while the registrations will be open until May 10, 2022.
Visit the website ( ) to find out more about the forum important dates, scientific sessions, speakers, the exciting rewards and recognitions.