20 Nov, 2009
AFS and the Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU), the convener of 9AFAF is pleased to announce that the 9th AFAF will be held in Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) on 21-25 April 2011. This is some six months behind our original schedule for the forum. We hope that this slight delay will challenge all members to plan and prepare better for their participation in a successful 9AFAF in 2011. The delay is also a blessing for some members as the current global financial crisis should ease further in 2011 and we hope will allow more members to successfully seek funding to attend our triennial forum.
AFS will keep you posted of details once the appropriate Call for Conference will be issued through AFS website and the forum website:
Yours sincerely,
Mariati Tiansin (Ms.)
Executive Officer
Asian Fisheries Society