Asian Fisheries Society

09 Feb, 2010

Dear AFS Members,

With regards to the membership structure change notice, which was sent to all members last January 15, 2010, the AFS Secretariat would like to announce that the Executive Committee of AFS has agreed to give a grace period to all members listed in Category 1 before the new rate is implemented (Click here to see the new membership structure table).

All new and renewal membership dues payments received by 31 March, 2010 will be based on the old rates. This also applies to those who want to extend their membership for multiple years.

The AFS Council has approved to maintain only two types of membership categories as part of its efforts to streamline its management and putting it more in line with other international organisations. The additional dues will help the Society to keep up with inflation, improve its financial position and provide additional services to members. Over the next few months, the Society website will be updated and services to members enhanced.

Summary of changes to membership categories in AFS:

Effective to 31st March 2010 Effective to 1st April 2010

Category 1:
Entry Fee (Student) = US$5
Entry Fee (Full) = US$10
Annual Dues = US$10

Category 2:
Entry Fee (Student) = US$5
Entry Fee (Full) = US$10
Annual Dues = US$25

Category 3:
Entry Fee (Student) = US$5
Entry Fee (Full) = US$10
Annual Dues = US$25

Category 1:
Entry Fee (Student) = US$5
Entry Fee (Full) = US$10
Annual Dues = US$15

Category 2:
Entry Fee (Student) = US$5
Entry Fee (Full) = US$10
Annual Dues = US$25

(For the list of countries of each category, please refer below)


We appreciate the support and understanding from all our members. On our part, the AFS Council and the Secretariat will continue to improve and work with members to make AFS the premier fisheries and aquaculture society in the Asia-Pacific.

Yours sincerely,

Mariati Tiansin
Executive Officer, AFS