An Expert On Aquaculture Integrated Approaches
23 May, 2012
An expert on aquaculture integrated approaches (rice fish farming, other IIA and/or IAA approaches, general production, poli-culture systems) for a six month consultancy with the following ToRs:
Mandate/Duties and Responsibilities
In the framework of the activities of rice-fish culture development in the pilot sites, under the general supervision of the FAO representative in Mali and under the technical supervision of the Malian National Directorate of Fisheries, in close collaboration with the FAO aquaculture officers, and the other stakeholders involved in the project, the consultant, expert in integrated rice-fish systems, will have the following tasks:
- Assist in the evaluation of efficient strategies of integrated rice-fish culture through farmer field schools in Mali
- Assist in the characterization of programmes to popolarize and disseminate these strategies among government officials, trainers, extension agents and producers through farmer field schools in Mali
- Propose a plan for the different development steps of the sector during the duration of the project
- Ensure the technical training of facilitators in the regions targeted by the project
- Assist in the development of a validated and agreed specific participative curriculum for rice-fish culture
- Establish a mechanism of data collection, follow-up and processing of production data
- Elaborate learning material and identify key documents
- Participate in the preparation of status reports of the projects and prepare the end of mission report
Elaborate information sheets regarding the activities, the techno-economical outcomes of the activities, problems encountered, production data and qualitative appreciation (impact on family food supply), market opportunities and prices, and impacts on the income
10 years of experience in the field of integrated and multitrophic aquaculture productionDuration of the project
6 months missionDuty station
To be determined
An expert on hatchery production of freshwater species such as Tilapia, cyprinids and catfish for a six month consultancy with the following ToRs:
Mandate/Duties and Responsibilities
In the framework of the activities of rice-fish culture development in the pilot sites, under the general supervision of the FAO representative in Mali, and under the technical supervision of the Malian National Directorate of Fisheries, in close collaboration with the FAO aquaculture officers, and the other stakeholders involved in the project, the consultant, expert in hatchery production of tropical fish in integrated aquaculture systems, will have the following tasks- Evaluate the demand for seed and production in the regions targeted by the project and the production capacity for the different breeding options
- Elaborate a programme of seed production and distribution corresponding to the expected outputs of the project
- Assist to make already existing hatcheries in the three target regions of the project operational (Mopti, Ségou and Sélingué) : ponds for fry and fingerling production and associated facilities for fish farmers
- Identify and manage broodstock in the hatcheries
- Assist the Malian National Directorate of Fisheries and the Regional Directorate of Fisheries in the induced reproduction of catfish, feeding and nursery operations
- Demonstrate the handling and transport of fingerlings to the fish farmers
- Recommend feed formulations for tilapia, clarias (and probably other species) fry and fingerlings
- Elaborate learning material and identify key documents
Participate in the preparation of status reports of the projects and prepare the end of mission report
10 years of experience in the field of design and mangement of tilapia and catfish hatcheries preforming induced reproduction, feeding of fingerlings and fish with larvae. Addional experiences with production and handling of huge fingerling quantities are desiraDuration of the project
6 months missionDuty station
To be determined