Asian Fisheries Society

AFS 64th Council Meeting
12 Jul, 2023

Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) holds the 64th Council Meeting on 26 – 27 June 2023 in the beautiful city of Bogor, Indonesia. The AFS Vice President, Prof. Wilfredo Campos (University of the Philippines Visayas) presided over the meeting. This was the first time that Council had been able to meet face-to-face for over three years. Councillors, heads of Branches (India and Taiwan), Sections (Fish Health, Gender and Fisheries), and the Social Science network met over 1 ½ days and discussed the current state of AFS (membership, finances, etc.), plans for our Symposia (Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Cage Aquaculture in Asia, Diseases in Aquatic Animals and International Symposia on Aquaculture and Fisheries Education), progress on our journal and revamping our web site and other matters. We were also joined for parts of the meeting by co-opted Council member, the esteemed Dr. Joykrushna Jena, who provided us with a brief update on the 14th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum in New Delhi in 2025 and Dr. Clara Obregon who has been working on ideas for making the Society more engaging for graduate students and early career researchers. We are very grateful to our host for the meeting, Prof. Budy Wiryawan of IPB University, and our sponsors, the Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia, represented by Dr. Irfan Yulianto and the Environmental Defence Foundation, represented by Dr Abdul Halim.

In attendance onsite were Prof. Alice Joan G. Ferrer (University of the Philippines Visayas); Assoc. Prof. Murni Marlina Abd Karim (Secretary, Universiti Putra Malaysia); Dr. Nur Leena Wong W.S. (Treasurer, Universiti Putra Malaysia); Prof. Jin-Long Yang (Shanghai Ocean University); Prof. Liping Liu (Shanghai Ocean University; Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Lal (Director of Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, India); Prof. Ikuo Hirono (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology); Prof. Indah Susilowati (University of Diponegoro); Prof. Budi Wiryawan (Bogor Agricultural University); Prof. Marieta Sumagaysay (Chairperson of AFSSRN, University of the Philippines Visayas), and, Ms. Malathi Thanamsegaram (AFS Executive Officer). We were also joined by people from Hainan University who are convening CAA7 on behalf of AFS: Prof. Zhou Yong Can; Dr. Zhou Ting Ting; and Dr. Zhang Dong Dong.

In attendance online were Prof. Neil Loneragan (AFS President, Murdoch University, Australia); Dr. Nikita Gopal (Chairperson of GAFS); Dr. Chang Siow Foong (Executive Member of FHS); Dr. Joykrushna Jena (Past President of AFS, Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Fisheries Science Division); Dr. Achamveetil Gopalakrishnan (Chairperson of AFS Indian Branch, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, India); and Ms. Clara Obregon-Lafuente (Researcher, University of Wollongong). Also Dr. Ir Fredinan Yulianda (Dean, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science), Dr. Irfan Yulianto (Fisheries Resources Center of Indonesia (FRCI) and Dr. Abdul Halim (Environmental Defence Fund (EDF) attended the meeting on 27th June 2023.
