Asian Fisheries Society

56th Council Meeting of the Asian Fisheries Society
16 Dec, 2020

Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) holds 56th Council Meeting.
The 13th Council of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) held its 56th Council Meeting on 08 December 2020 with the AFS President, Prof. Alice Joan G. Ferrer (University of the Philippines Visayas) presiding.
Shared during the meeting are a number of accomplishments despite a challenging year: co-publication project of Asian Fisheries Science (journal of the Asian Fisheries Society; SCOPUS/SCIMAGO indexed) and the FAO, completion in attaching DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to all papers in the journal issues starting 2017, increasing number of paper submissions, and the big leap in the Cite Score of the journal. The Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section (GAFS) of the AFS is also wrapping up the big project titled Dialogues in Gender and Coastal Aquaculture: Gender and the Seaweed Farming Value Chain funded by SWEDBIO and is preparing for a new project with World Fish.
Among a number of items, the Council discussed a proposal to increase the visibility of AFS and members, and the preparations for the 1) 7th Cage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA7) in Hainan, China in 2021; 2) Fourth International Symposium in Aquaculture and Fisheries Education (ISAFE4) to be hosted by the National Ping Tung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan; and 3) 13th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (13AFAF) in Tainan, Taiwan in 2022 to be hosted by National Cheng Kung University.
Dr Meryl Williams, chairperson of GAFS and Prof. Mohamed Shariff, chief editor of the Asian Fisheries Science joined the other Council Members in the meeting : Dr. Joykrushna JENA (Immediate Past President; Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Fisheries Science Division); Prof. Han-Ching WANG (AFS Vice President, National Cheng Kung University); Associate Professor Murni Marlina Abd Karim (Secretary, Universiti Putra Malaysia); Dr. Nur Leena WONG W.S. (Treasurer, Universiti Putra Malaysia); Prof. Atsushi HAGIWARA (Nagasaki University); Dr. Ann FLEMING (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research); Prof. Wilfredo CAMPOS (University of the Philippines Visayas); Prof. Liping LIU (Shanghai Ocean University); Prof. Hong-Thih LAI (National Chiayi University); Dr. Umi Muawanah (Research Center for Socio-Economics of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia); Prof. Yu-Hung Lin (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology); and, Ms. Malathi Thanamsegaram (AFS Executive Officer). AFS Councilors, Dr. Achamveetil GOPALAKRISHNAN (Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, India), Prof. Jin-Long YANG (Shanghai Ocean University), and Prof. Neil Loneragan (AFS Incoming President 2022 -2025, Murdoch University, Australia) were on other official business.