Asian Fisheries Society

55th Council Meeting of the Asian Fisheries Society
14 Sep, 2020

The 13th Council of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) conducted the 55th Council Meeting on 10 September 2020. Presided by the current AFS president (2019 to 2022), Prof. Alice Joan G. Ferrer (University of the Philippines Visayas), the Council discussed in an online meeting the upcoming AFS-organized fora and conferences. These include the 1) Fourth International Symposium in Aquaculture and Fisheries Education (ISAFE4) to be hosted by the AFS, Taiwan Branch and the National PingTung University of Science and Technology in 2021); 2) 7th Cage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA7) to be held in Hainan, China in 2021 being facilitated by Shanghai Ocean University; and 3) 13th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (13AFAF) to be hosted by AFS, Taiwan Branch and the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan in 2022.

Dr. Meryl Williams, chair of Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section (GAFS) of the AFS, joined the council meeting to share updates on the Eight Global Conference on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF8) to be held in 2021 and on the on-going GAFS project in India and Kenya.

The 13th Council also selected Prof. Neil Loneragan (Murdoch University, Australia) to be the Incoming AFS President 2022-2025.

Also present in the meeting: Dr. Joykrushna JENA (Immediate Past President; Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Fisheries Science Division); Prof. Dr. Han-Ching WANG (Vice President, National Cheng Kung University); Associate Professor Murni Marlina Abd Karim (Secretary, Universiti Putra Malaysia); Dr. Nur Leena WONG W.S. (Treasurer, Universiti Putra Malaysia); Prof. Atsushi HAGIWARA (Nagasaki University); Dr. Achamveetil GOPALAKRISHNAN (Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, India); Dr. Ann FLEMING (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research); Prof. Wilfredo CAMPOS (University of the Philippines Visayas); Prof. Liping LIU (Shanghai Ocean University); Dr. Umi Muawanah (Research Center for Socio-Economics of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia); Prof. Yu-Hung Lin (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology); and Mrs. Malathi Thanamsegaram (AFS Executive Officer).

More information on the members of the 13th Council of the Asian Fisheries Society can be found here: