Asian Fisheries Society

E-Newsletter June 2017
20 Jul, 2017


One of the major highlights during the period of report (January – June 2017) is the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF) becoming a Section of the Society (GAFS). The members of the Society have been very active in gender issues in fisheries and aquaculture for a very long time, not only at regional level, but also at global level, going back to 1980 with the first workshop on gender issues in aquaculture organised by Late Dr M.C. Nandeesha in Cambodia. Dr. M.C. Nandeesha laid the foundation for gender research and now Dr Meryl Williams is spearheading the activities. The section on GAFS in the report provides details as to how one can become a member of GAFS.

Indian and Taiwan branches of the Society have been very active in organising meetings and workshops as detailed in this issue.

The Society is making efforts to revive the Asian Fisheries Social Scientists Research Network (AFSSRN) which has been dormant for some years. It started in 1983 as a network coordinated by the World Fish Center (at that time ICLARM) and subsequently became a Section of AFS in 1996 due to interest shown by the members of the network. At one time the network had 15 research teams consisting of over 80 scientists from different institutions/organisations. AFSSRN played a major role in capacity building in social science research and overseeing implementation of research programs. This issue of newsletter provides details of person to be contacted to become a member of AFSSRN.

Two major conferences of AFS are scheduled during the second half of 2017: (i) 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (11ifaf) and (ii) 10th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA10). Details of both these conferences are in this issue.

The issue also provides details of conferences scheduled for 2017, some new publications and news.

Dr M.V. Gupta

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