Asian Fisheries Society

E-Newsletter June 2009
20 Oct, 2009

Editor's Note

This newsletter is being presented to the Members with a heavy heart from the untimely demise of Dr. Yang Yi, President of the Society. At a time when the Society was looking forward to his dynamic leadership, the will of God was otherwise and he has been taken away from us prematurely.

Let us all pray for his soul to rest in peace.

Presented herein is news of some events that have taken place in recent past along with information on upcoming conferences/workshops/events. In recent years, many developments have been taking place in fisheries and aquaculture sector that will have impact on contribution of aquatic resources to nutritional and livelihood security of all involved in the sector. Exchange of information of these developments will benefit the members. All members are requested and encouraged to submit news articles to the AFS Secretariat at these email addresses:, or, or, or (Editor)

for publication in the Newsletter to make it comprehensive and informative.

Message from the AFS President – Prof. Ida Siason

Dear AFS members,

Greetings to AFS members! I am pleased to write this note after being elected to the office of AFS President effective September 1, 2009.

We mourn the unexpected passing away of President Dr. Yang Yi, who was a dedicated and enthusiastic Council member and later President for seven years. The last time I saw him was at the Council meeting in April 2009 at Kuala Lumpur. At that time he did not look too well, but his concern for AFS activities was as spirited as ever. The Society and all those involved with the fisheries sector will miss Yang Yi!

We are looking forward to successful organization of the International Symposium for Aquaculture and Fisheries Education (ISAFE) on Nov. 27-30 (please see more details in this newsletter), which is being jointly organized by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) and AFS and is being hosted by AIT at its campus in Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Ram Bhujel of AIT is serving as the Convener. I request all AFS members, especially those who work in academe, to disseminate the announcement to their colleagues, to plan to present papers/posters or to simply attend. The deadline for abstracts is September 30.

Although the AFS Forum 2010 is still at least a year away, it is not too early to plan your attendance especially for those who intend to present papers. For many, this might mean starting new research activities, so data would be available for your 2010 presentation. We hope to be able to come out with more information on the forum in the next couple of months.

I request members/readers to contribute articles for the next newsletter which could include significant developments in fisheries in your part of the world or consist of announcements which might be of interest to the members.

Best wishes,

Ida Siason.
President, Asian Fisheries Society